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2DE simulation of supersonic wedge flow

Presented here is an example of a complete solution for a supersonic flow over 15 degree wedge.
This test case is the commonly used reference case with an onflow mach number of Ma=2.5 at standard sea level ISA conditions (p=101000 N/m^2, T=286.11 K). A good write-up along with reuslts from another CFD-code can be found at the NPARC Alliance Validation Archive. Using a single block, structured euler grid of 156x100 cells a total of 500 3w-multigrid-cycles are performed until convergence is achieved. This solver run is done using local time-stepping, a CFL number of 7.5, implicit residual smoothing with variable coefficients scaled with an epsilon of 0.8, and 2nd and 4th order artificial viscosity terms scaled with factors of 0.5 and 1/64 respectively. Corrections are smoothed implicitly with a constant coefficient of 0.01.
Logarithmic plot of the density residual during the 500 cycles.
Mach number distribution
The steady-state mach-distribution shows a good shock resolution and position, which agree favorably with the experimental results found in literature.

© 2001-2005
A. Stuermer
Update: 08/26/05

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